16 Oct

ROW80 Check-In (2)

Posted in ROW80

I hit the wall this week.  Not so much burnout but struggling with some personal things and the writing had to go on the back-burner.  I wrote practically zero content for DIY MFA (other than my regularly scheduled posts both here and on DIYMFA.com).  I still have not edited any chapters of my WIP because that’s lowest on the priority list right now.  OK, so I did launch the DIY MFA newsletter, Writer Fuel, but other than that, I have accomplished little.

The reason for this lapse so early in the challenge is that an vibrant member of my personal writing community passed away this past week.  I guess, as a writer, the way I grieve is through my writing.  It’s been difficult to write anything more than the bare minimum, given everything that’s happened.  But I know soon enough my grief will turn into determination and I’ll start writing in a frenzy again.  This time, with new purpose: because my friend would have wanted me to keep pushing forward on my work.  She would not want me to give up to grief.  Even so, I’ve given myself a week off becase right now it’s still too raw.

So there you have it, my ROW80 check-in (2).  Not much accomplished this week, but that’s OK.  All things considered, I think I’ll survive one week of not writing.


Comments on this post

  1. Gina says:

    hey gabi – so sorry about your loss. take it easy, and hang in there.


    1. Ghenet Myrthil says:

      Again, so sorry to hear about your friend. The week off is totally understandable. The writing will be there when you’re ready.

      1. JoLynne says:

        Enjoy your time off. I’m not much for sacrificing your own sanity to your writing habit. Sometimes life has to come first.

        1. Sarah Pearson says:

          I’m so sorry for your loss. Hang in there.

          1. Gloria battista-collins says:

            Hi Gabi, thank you, Mom was discovering herself and expressing her passion for life in your writing classes. You made a big difference in her last days. I can’t wait to read what she wrote and see her come back to life through her writing. Thanks for being with our family. She will be missed by all who knew her. G

            1. Annalise Green says:

              So sorry to hear about your loss. I concur that the writing will still be there. Take the time that you need for yourself.

              1. gabi says:

                Thank you all for your kind words. This week I’ve taken some time to reflect and also take it easy. Thank you again for your support and kindness. It really means a lot.

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