Hello all! Just a quick reminder that YA Cafe summer book club will be continuing on August 26th, when we’ll discuss Sweethearts by Sara Zarr. As always, feel free to post your thoughts on your own blog and share a link in the comments, or just use the comments to tell us what you think!
Starting in the fall, we’ll be back on our regular schedule of YA Cafe posts every Friday and we’ll have some fun new things up our sleeves. Hope you all are having a superiffic summer and enjoy these last few weeks. Can you believe we’re almost halfway through August? Where did the summer go? Seriously, I want a do-over.
Keep reading, keep writing and keep being awesome!
Comments on this post
Yay, this is in my to-read pile. I’ll put it on top so I’ll be all set to go come August 26th! 🙂
12. August - 6:47 pm