08 Jan

DIY MFA: We’re Ba-ack…

Posted in DIY MFA, Writing

It’s January and the new semester is starting soon.  That said, iggi and I have decided to bring back DIY MFA, to help you all get your writing resolutions under way!  (New to the blog or not sure what DIY MFA is?  Just check the iggi U tab at the top of the page to learn all about it.)

We’re making a few tiny changes.  There’s still TONS I could say about literature, craft, and creativity, so I will continue posting articles on those topics.  Since community and the workshop are more about going out and actually experiencing these things, there’s only so much I can tell you before you have to jump in and try it for yourself.  I won’t be posting as regularly on these two subjects, but will bring them back when something important or relevant comes up.  Also since my passion is writing Middle Grade and Teen literature, I’ll be doing more posts specifically targeting that genre.

So, what does this mean for DIY MFA?

Monday:  Love of Literature  (i.e. Everything reading-related.)
Tuesday:  Wild Card day 
Wednesday:  Craftivity  (i.e. All about the craft of writing.)
Thursday:  Brain Boot Camp (i.e. Tips about creativity, writing prompts, ideas for exercises.  Basically, everything you need to exercise your writing brain.)
Friday:  This one’s going to be a collaborative project and I plan to unveil it this coming Friday.

What do you have to do to be part of the fun?  Just read the topics you want to follow and comment if you feel like it.  Also, please sign up to be part of the iggi&gabi email list!  You won’t get spam and you’ll be in the loop if DIY MFA news comes up.  In September, I contacted readers on the list to ask for volunteers to guest post or help out with the DIY MFA community.


Comments on this post

  1. Ann Best says:

    I'll certainly be interested in watching this play out. This is a great idea for young writers, and even for me, at age 70, to refresh what I learned in the MFA program I completed in 1988. The world has SO changed since then. This was before the Internet revolution!

    You "young" people amaze me! I learn so much from you, and feel energized coming into your blogs!!

    1. Kerryn Angell says:

      How exciting!! I'll definitely be participating in Love of Literature and Brain Boot Camp while keeping an eye on everything else, of course. 🙂

      Happy New Year!

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