Welcome Back to YA Cafe, where book lovers can gather and chat about teen literature. I’m your barista, along with Ghenet from All About Them Words.
Each Friday we pick from a menu of topics and share our thoughts on our respective blogs. We’ve also got plans brewing for interviews, events and even some exciting giveaways, so stay tuned! Join the discussion by responding in the comments, on your own blogs or on twitter using the hash tag #yacafe.
Today’s Special: “Why Do You Write YA?” Blogfest
I have to admit, I’ve been struggling with this post. At first I thought it would be easy, because the answer seems so obvious. I write YA because it’s AWESOME! (duh, right?) But that didn’t exactly seem like it could fill an entire post.
I dug deeper. In light of all the #YASaves stuff that happened this weekend, I thought that maybe my love for YA came from having discovered that special YA book as a teen. Maybe I write YA now because growing up that’s what I loved to read most.
Truth is, though, I didn’t start reading YA until I was an adult. When I was a teen, I went to one of those scary-competitive schools and had so much reading to do for class that there was little time left to read for fun. Even during the summer, when most kids get to choose what they read, we had two set list of books we could choose from: The Great Books, and The Very Good Books. (N.B. Great Books comprised the classics written by dead white men and Very Good Books consisted of top-notch contemporary literary fiction. Not much room for YA on that list.) So while YA is what I love to read most now, it was not what I read as a teen.
Then I thought, maybe I write YA so that I can rewrite my own teen years so that they would turn out better. But again, the dirty truth: my teen years weren’t really all that bad and certainly they didn’t merit rewriting. When I write YA, I make my characters go through things a million times worse than what I ever went through. In fact, my teenage life was pretty ordinary. I spent most of my time doing schoolwork or with a violin tucked under my chin. My best friends were my siblings and the most illicit thing I ever did was take my little sister shopping for a fake ID was so she could get into a teen-only nightclub in Brazil. Pretty innocuous stuff. If I needed to rewrite my teen years at all it would be to make them more exciting and interesting, not less.
The truth is, I write YA because when I was a teen, things mattered. We got worked up about the smallest things: like how we hosted a sit-in in the school lobby in seventh grade to protest the fact that the middle school students couldn’t vote for student government. Or how when that one particular boy noticed (or didn’t notice) me, it would either make or break my day. Big stuff mattered but small stuff mattered too.
This is why I write YA. Because whether you’re writing about serious problems like homelessness or eating disorders, or just the typical teen stuff like boy-meets-girl, it matters to the readers. And if it matters to my readers then it most definitely matters to me.
There’s still time to sign-up using the linky below and then just write your post and, tell us why you write YA on your own blog. And don’t forget to hop around to different blogs and see what other folks are saying!