27 Apr

You Tell Me

Posted in Reader Survey

Dear friends of DIY MFA,

I can’t believe April is only a few days away from being over.  DIY MFA has gone by so super fast and I can’t believe we’re drawing to a close.  I realized that many of you are new to DIY MFA and weren’t here for September’s extrabloganza, so I’ve been thinking of doing a few “review session” posts each week through May and June, covering the basics from the first DIY MFA.  I do have some new themes and series planned for May and June so it won’t be all DIY MFA like it’s been this month, just a couple of days each week.  What do you think about this plan?

Also, I wanted to take some time today to get your feedback on the blog in general.  Are there topics you want to hear more about?  Topics you’ve heard enough of already?  Please tell me what you think because I’d love to know!

In the meantime, for Homework today, I’d like you to take some time working on your work in progress.  Today’s a wild card day so work on whatever project you feel needs some attention.


17 Jul

iggi&gabi Reader Survey

Posted in Reader Survey, Tips

In preparation for my super-secret, super-exciting DIY MFA project, I realized I needed to figure out how to use Google Docs, in particular the little form-making feature.  As I learned this morning, you can easily create a form using Google Docs, then embed it in your blogger post by pasting the HTML code under the “Edit HTML” tab when you compose a post.

I wanted to test out this Google Docs form and I thought, why not use this as a way to get to know my readers a little bit better?  So if you please, fill out the form below and tell me a little about yourself.

Thank you muchly!

(And don’t worry, I’ll let you in on the super-secret, super-exciting DIY MFA project super-soon!  Promise.)

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