24 Aug

Platform-Building Opportunities for Writers!

Posted in Platform, Writing

I just learned about the most awesome project yesterday called the Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign.  It’s hosted by Rachael Harrie over at Rach Writes and it sounds like it’s going to be a really great project for me.  I recently took the Build Your Author Platform class with Dan Blank over at We Grow Media and the class ended this week.  After eight weeks of platform-building awesome, I was starting to feel some withdrawal.  Talk about perfect timing to jump from that straight into this Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign!

My plan is to participate both with my iggi&gabi platform and also with my DIY MFA platform.  Speaking of DIY MFA, I just announced on twitter and Facebook some exciting news today: the new DIY MFA blog and website will launch on Sept. 12!  That’s just a few weeks away and right smack-dab in the middle of the Campaign.  Woot!

I know a number of you are writers and have blogs of your own.  You might be even thinking about building your own author platform.  If that’s the case, definitely check out the Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign.  If you’re looking for more in-depth guidance on your platform, I highly recommend Dan Blank’s Author Platform class (a new session starts now in September).  I learned so much in that class and cannot recommend it enough.

Most importantly, keep writing and keep being awesome!


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