No, it’s not a book. It’s better than a book. Actually it’s just about the only thing I can think of that could trump a book deal in my world!
*drum roll please*
Lawyer-hubby and I are having a baby! It’s due at the end of January (just in time to conflict with the Writers’ Digest and SCBWI conferences *grumble grumble*) and right now Peanut’s about halfway ready to meet us in the real world. We just found out last week that Peanut’s a boy. (And yes, we’re calling him Peanut for now because while I can think of a gazillion names for my various characters, I can’t seem to think of a single one for my own child.)
So, what does this mean for iggi&gabi? I’ll tell you.
1) This will not morph into a mommy-blog. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against mommy blogs. In fact, I think they’re great and I definitely love reading them, but iggi&gabi is not destined to be one of mommy-blog tribe. I’ll continue posting about writing and books, though I’m sure you’ll understand if my reading takes a turn toward picture books for a while. Also, I may have to post the occasional picture of the bambino and I hope you’ll forgive me.
2) I will have to take a hiatus in late January/early February. Not sure yet how much of a hiatus it will be (I’m hoping to write a bunch of posts in advance so that I can still be here for you even if I’m not actually *here*). But between the upcoming website for DIY MFA and this blog, it’s a lot to juggle, especially when you add bringing a little person into the world, so I may have to take a few weeks off just to get myself back on a schedule. Speaking of schedules…
3) This fall I will be setting up a schedule for iggi&gabi. This is both to help me preserve my sanity and also to make sure I stay accountable to this blog, and to you. This summer I’ve been all loosey-goosey about my posting and I want to turn things around. I’ll be announcing said schedule either later this week or after the holiday weekend. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please do share!
So that’s the scoop!