Welcome Back to YA Cafe, where book lovers can gather and chat about teen literature. I’m your barista, along with Ghenet from All About Them Words.
Each Friday we pick from a menu of topics and share our thoughts on our respective blogs. We’ve also got plans brewing for interviews, events and even some exciting giveaways, so stay tuned! Join the discussion by responding in the comments, on your own blogs or on twitter using the hash tag #yacafe.
Today’s Special: Short Stories for Teens
I love short stories. I use them for teaching and I also like reading them for fun. Part of why I like them so much is that you get a whole story–beginning, middle and end–in one small package. You can read the whole thing in one sitting and don’t have to wait until next time to find out what happens. For someone like me who reads book endings compulsively, short stories are the perfect solution.
The only problem is, it’s nearly impossible to find short stories written for teens because there are very few venues that publish them. I have managed to find a few anthologies especially for teen literature. Here are some of the ones I’ve read recently.
Geektastic (edited by Holly Black and Cecil Castellucci): This is one of my all-time favorites. In this anthology, YA greats (Libba Bray, Bary Lyga, Sara Zarr, M.T. Anderson and David Levithan, just to name a few) share stories about various areas of geekdom. From trekkies to gamers to theater geeks, this anthology is one delicious collection of all things geeky.
Zombies vs. Unicorns (edited by Holly Black and Justine Larbalestier): This book attempts to answer that all-important question: which is cooler, zombies or unicorns? Personally, I’m on team unicorn because animals that fart rainbows amuse me. What about you, are you team zombie or team unicorn?
Love is Hell: Part of the same series as “Prom Nights from Hell” and “Vacations from Hell,” this collection has stories by five well-known YA authors that each give a paranormal twist to the typical YA romance. Not as entertaining as Geektastic or Zombies vs. Unicorns but still fun, in that guilty pleasure sort of way. I read this book on the beach; it’s the perfect beach read.
But never fear, there are more places where you can find great teen literature and Ghenet will be telling you about one of the coolest ones on her blog. So zoom over there right now and read all about it!
Want to hear more about the AWESOME that’s happening in teen literature? Fellow barista, Ghenet gives the details on her blog: All About Them Words. Check it out, then tell us places where you’ve discovered short stories for teens.
Comments on this post
I love short stories too. I really want to read GEEKTASTIC. It has so many of my fave YA authors and sounds awesome. 🙂
18. March - 2:17 pmGeektastic sounds awesome! 😀
20. March - 7:48 amI tried to read Geektastic but I didn't get any of the references. I guess I'm not as big of a Geek as I thought I was 🙁
21. March - 4:23 pmAlso 'The Truth is Dead' edited by Marcus Sedgewick. Alternative histories. Thought provoking and very good.
25. March - 10:27 pm