What is DIY MFA?
DIY MFA stands for Do-It-Yourself MFA.
OK that’s nice, but what-the-hey is an MFA?
The MFA is a master’s degree in the fine arts. You can go to school for an MFA in any number of fields including: Film, Studio Art and Sculpture, Music, Theater and, of course, Creative Writing. This is usually a two-year degree (if done full-time), though length can vary between different programs. Also, some schools offer an MA (Master of Arts) in Creative Writing and some schools even have PhD’s in Creative Writing.
Do you have something against MFA programs? Is that why you created DIY MFA?
MFAs are great–in fact, I happen to have one. For some people, the MFA can be a good fit, but for others it just isn’t feasible. Logistics, time and money are all factors that play into a writer’s decision to do an MFA and for some people it just doesn’t make sense. But this doesn’t mean these writers are any less serious than their MFA-going counterparts. That’s where DIY MFA comes in. I want to share some of the secrets and skills I learned in my own MFA experience and help writers develop their own Do-It-Yourself writing plans.
What is iggi U?
iggi U is the only university–imaginary or otherwise–where you can do a DIY MFA. It’s called iggi U because iggi happened to be the first creature to graduate from this fine institution. He’s also the university president, provost, dean and coach for the soccer team.
Sadly, no, at least not a real degree. iggi U would be happy to grant you an imaginary degree but that won’t help you much in terms of building credentials or a resume. iggi U is a fictitious university and not accredited by any powers-that-be so if your goal is to get an official degree, you’ll need to go to an official school.
The truth is, an official degree would go against all iggi U core beliefs. The whole point of DIY MFA is that learning can’t be defined by geographical location or a set period of time. Learning happens throughout life. You learn something every time you write a new sentence, send out a query or get a rejection. DIY MFA’s #1 goal is to help you reclaim your writing education and take charge of what you learn, rather than letting it take charge of you. DIY MFA is about being an active participant in your own writing life.
Any other questions about DIY MFA that you’d like me to answer?
Comments on this post
iggi is definitely on to something here.
10. March - 1:04 amThis is brilliant! Now I remember why I love this blog.
Speaking of, I gave your blog some AWARDS! Yay!
:), Marie
10. March - 11:07 pmBy the way, I gave you the stylish blog award! Yay!
11. March - 9:47 am