24 Mar

DIY MFA 2.O: Schedule

Posted in DIY MFA, Info

Yesterday, I talked about the Four Phases of Idea Generation and I mentioned that the Inspiration Phase would play a big role in DIY MFA 2.O.  For all of April, we will focus on different ways of sparking inspiration by using four different elements of writing as our jumping off point.  Week 1 will be all about character.  In week 2, we’ll look at story and week 3 will emphasize mood.  Finally, in week 4 we’ll focus on how words themselves can generate new ideas.

Within each week, we’ll approach each topic using courses from DIY MFA as a framework.  These courses will be: Love of Literature, Brain Boot Camp and Craftivity.

Love of Literature
If you’re doing this DIY MFA, you’re probably a big reading fan.  In fact, I’m guessing you have piles of books hiding under your couch, in the pantry, or even in your freezer.  Who uses a freezer, anyway?  It’s just a big yummy box that will keep your books minty-fresh until you’re ready to gobble them up.  But I digress.  The trouble with reading is that taking a random approach doesn’t always serve us writers best.  In Love of Literature we’ll look at specific pieces of writing and talk about how reading can help us think of new ideas as well as gain a deeper understanding of craft.

Tuesdays & Wednesdays
This course is all about how craft and creativity come together.  We’re talking about that wonderfully exciting kind of craft that’s all about writing and creativity.  in DIY MFA 2.O we’ll look at how to use certain elements of craft to spice up our writing or to spark new ideas.

Brain Boot Camp
Sunday & Thursday
This super-intensive approach to creativity will be all about drawing outside the lines, breaking down mental blocks and living the creative life.  Think of this component as a month-long creative kick in the backside. 

Fridays will still be dedicated to YA Cafe, though I’ll do my best to link the posts to the DIY MFA weekly topic.

On Saturdays, we all do our Writing Sprints.  I’ll do a short post to help you get started if you need a boost, but you don’t have to be limited by that weekly prompt.  The sprint is your time to work on whatever project you like.  Also, I’ll include badges so at the end of the sprint you can post them on your own sites and show off your accomplishment.

DIY MFA 2.O Schedule

Sunday: Brainstorming (Brain Boot Camp, part I)
Monday: Literature Study (Love of Literature)
Tuesday & Wednesday: Craft Study (Craftivity)
Thursday: Warming up for the Sprint (Brain Boot Camp, part II)
Friday: YA Cafe
Saturday: Writing Sprint

Note: While with the first DIY MFA series, you could focus on only the courses of your choice, this time around all the weekly classes build on each other.  While I won’t be doing weekly recaps, I will create page for  DIY MFA 2.O and post links to all the posts so if you miss anything, you can catch up.

Can’t wait to get started.  How about you?


Comments on this post

  1. Madeline Bartos says:

    This sounds so exciting, and right in time for a brand new WIP I'll be starting! Sounds like the sprints and marathon will help me get my idea down on paper, and all the advice you give will help it be good. 🙂 I can't wait!

    1. Orlando says:

      I'm looking forward to reading these points. Very informative. Thank you!

      1. thebrawn says:

        Can't wait to start. Thanks!

        1. Kerryn Angell says:

          I'm so excited about this! I'm participating in a short story challenge in April too and this has given me some great guidance on how to align my short story themes and structure to the DIY MFA structure. 🙂

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