I’m in LA today, museum-hopping the day away. While I’m gone, I thought I’d share with you a small selection of my favorite works of art. These pieces are each by different artists and on view at different museums around the world. As you can see, the artworks are dramatically different from one another but they all have two things in common: (1) I have seen each of these pieces in real life at least once, and (2) when I look at each of these works, I feel a powerful emotional response. I hope you all find at least one of these works as inspiring as I do. Enjoy!
El Greco, View of Toledo |
Edvard Munch, Vampyr |
John Singer Sargent, Fumee d’Ambre Gris |
Rene Magritte, The False Mirror |
The Unicorn at Bay (medieval tapestry) |
Vincent Van Gogh, Irises |
Comments on this post
El Greco, OMGosh…I haven't paid attention to any of his work since high school. I'd taken an art's history class. It was amazing. I think we studied like 250 paintings. Unbelievably, I remember quite a few of them. Have fun museum-hopping.
22. November - 11:45 amI really liked that first one… I'm a bit of a philistine when it comes to art, but I really like that one. Have fun museum-hopping! 🙂
22. November - 1:52 pmGreat artwork all, in their own and different ways. Love the sky on the El Greco! So mooooody. :o)
22. November - 8:11 pmHave fun in LA!
23. November - 2:17 am