Hi everyone! Today’s post will have to be short because I’m packing for Ireland. We leave tomorrow but I promise I’ll do my best to post while I’m away and if I can, I’ll put up pics of some of the places I visit.
Today I wanted to direct your attention to the VP blog. I did a post there earlier this week about how the MFA brought us editors together. Since iggi and I are getting ready for our DIY MFA extrabloganza, I thought the VP post would be relevant.
Also, VP is still taking submissions so if you have any short stories or essays or poetry that you think would be interesting to a teen audience, check out the VP submissions and send it along!
Comments on this post
I've checked this out. I like it. Just maybe…. Um…so jealous. You're going to Ireland??? Have a blast and travel safely.
6. August - 11:20 pmHi,
I found you through the Blog Hop. I took a look around and thought that your blog is great! So I decided to follow you. Anyway, check out my blog as well: http://johnsmithbooks.blogspot.com/
Warmest regards,
John Smith (pen name)
P.S. – I hope that you will have a good time in Ireland.
9. August - 10:36 amThanks for the happy travel wishes!
In Kilkenny right now. Will try to post for real once I get these pesky photos out of my camera!
9. August - 5:51 pm