I am frequently amazed at the generosity of writers and how many of them do things that go above and beyond in order to help or encourage other writers. Yesterday, I was particularly inspired by a few fellow bloggers (Elana Johnson, Casey McCormick, and Co.) who have organized WriteOnCon, a virtual writing conference that will take place in August. Unfortunately I will be out of the country at the time and most likely will be sans email. I’m sad to miss it because I know this conference will be wonderful. And what a great idea to do it on the web so that anyone can participate. Kudos!
WriteOnCon got me thinking about this idea of giving back to the writing community, especially now that I have graduated from my MFA. This idea inspired me to post about a few writing projects and events I’m helping put together.
Verbal Pyrotechnics: This literary magazine will launch at the end of 2010 but this summer we officially open for submissions. We’re looking for emerging and established authors with a unique voice who write for the teen audience. Visit the Verbal Pyrotechnics blog for more details and submission guidelines.
Get Your Read On: This reading series is sponsored by Verbal Pyrotechnics, and will resume this summer. More information coming soon.
There’s a third project too, but that’s the subject of another post. So check back tomorrow to learn more!
Comments on this post
I'm intrigued about #3!
16. June - 12:28 am