02 Jun

…And We’re Back! (Sort of)

Posted in Writing Challenge

For the month of May, I replaced the writing challenge with Story-A-Day.  Now May is behind us and the writing challenge resumes.  Sort of.

I’ve come to realize that if I want to finish my novel between now and August 1, then I need to write three pages or 750 words every day.  This sounds like no big deal–I mean, it’s just three pages–but I’m terrified.  The very thought of writing a certain number of pages every day fills my head with a million “what ifs.”  What if I can’t do it?  What if I have a bad writing day and I can’t finish my three pages?  What if I hit the wall?

It sounds like I’m hyperventilating over nothing, but the truth is, I’m playing with the big kids now and it’s sort of freaking me out.  See, while I’ve been able to fudge my way around most of my previous self-imposed deadline, this one is more serious.  No, the world won’t end if I can’t finish by August 1st, but there’s more at stake now than there has been with previous projects.  I’ve finished school; now I have to produce something.

So in light of this new goal: my new writing challenge will be 3 pages or 750 words per day.

What’s that saying again?  You know, the one about paving roads with good intentions…  Well the intentions are here, now I just hope I get where I want to go.

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