26 Apr

Yes, You can Play with These Matches

Posted in Book Reviews, Writing, Writing Exercises

Looking over the last several reviews I’ve done, I realized that they are heavily weighted toward books about writing.  In part this is because I love reading about craft or reading authors’ advice to new writers.  At the same time, since the semester is drawing to a close–and with the end of semester comes my thesis deadline–I haven’t had nearly enough time to read fiction as I would like.  So today will be another writing book and with luck, by two weeks from now, I’ll be done and ready to start reading for fun again.

This week’s book is The Writer’s Book of Matches by the staff at Fresh Boiled Peanuts.  This book is a collection of writing prompts that range from the normal to the absurd to the hilarious.  There are 1001 prompts so even if you did one each day, it would take you three years to get through the book.  At the end, the editors include a handy-dandy guide on how to reuse the prompts and keep them fresh.  Overall, this book has the essentials for a useful writing book.  There’s plenty of variety and it’s small so it’s easy to carry when writing on the go.

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