Hello friends and welcome to the reboot of the blog formerly-known-as “Swim Against the Grain.” This is a new-and-improved blog by yours truly (gabi), and my trusty sidekick iggi. Or am I iggi’s sidekick…? No one will ever know.
As graduation from my MFA program crept closer to the present, I realized that this blog needed more structure, more focus, more direction. Here’s my plan:
Mondays, we’ll have book reviews. Since my middle grade and teen literature is my obsession, reviews will most likely focus on books in those categories, though I will probably also throw in books on writing and some grown-up novels for good measure.
Tuesday will be all about tips and news. I realized that I need to be more aware of what’s happening in the publishing world and the writing world at large. What better way to stay informed than to blog about it? Tuesdays will force me to branch out beyond my own little bubble and connect with the writing world.
Wednesdays, I will post from my weekly Writing Challenge. The challenge is simple: I choose a writing exercise, I do it, I blog about the experience. I will work my way through an entire book of exercises and let you know which ones are good, which ones are bad, and which ones are just plain ugly.
Thursday will be iggi’s Rants and Raves day. That’s right, once a week I’ll let out my inner gabi gone insane and let her blog about whatever is on her mind.
Funtabulous Friday will be a surprise.
Weekends may mean some occasional wild card posts but for the most part, this will be a weekday blog. After all, a girl’s gotta do her own writing too.
Comments on this post
Yay! Excited to read your posts! Once this thesis craziness is over, I hope to blog more frequently, too. I have drafts for a bunch of posts but haven't had time to sit and write them!
6. April - 6:19 pm