Recipe for a Writers’ Group
- 1 notebook
- 1 pen
- 5-6 fellow writers
- meeting space with good ambient noise level and coffee
Time required: 2 hrs.
Begin with 10 minutes of catching up and group business. Share your successes. Give encouragement. Mix in some writing exercises, maybe read a poem or two. Discuss, then set aside.
Separately, begin preparing the critique portion. Always add positive feedback first, then constructive criticism. Add a cup of supportive comments for every dash of the negative. Then sprinkle in a pinch of suggestion and a teaspoon of creative problem-solving.
Fold together with the original mixture. Spread in a baking pan and let incubate for about a week.
Serves: 6-7 writers
To my fellow writing friends: your support and encouragement help me concoct my best literary feasts. Thank you.
Comments on this post
Your writing group sounds awesome. I want one!
21. April - 8:38 pm